According to a Chinese government report, domestic game revenues reached 60.28 billion RMB last year, an increase of 35 per cent from 2011. The figures included online, browser and social game revenues as well as mobile and console game sales. Online revenues were an overwhelming 94.5 per cent of the total, with mobile games a distant but growing second at 5.4 per cent.
The report also expects China’s game revenues to increase by 12.4 per cent annually to reach 135.22 billion RMB by 2017.
However, analyst firm IDC notes that China’s online game user growth continued to slow in 2012, affected by a slowdown in Chinese Internet use. IDC predicts that many online publishers in China will follow models in place in other countries like Japan and the US, and soon diversify into film and other media as a way to provide extra value to current customers and to attract new audiences.