Digital Bros., a digital entertainment company listed at the Milan Stock Exchange, through its subsidiary 505 Games S.p.A., announced that it has assigned the exclusive rights to Chinese iDreamSky Technology to launch the mobile version of Terraria in China.

“We are delighted to launch Terraria in the Chinese market – said Jeff Lyndon, President of iDreamSky Technology Limited – and kick-off a partnership with Digital Bros and 505 Games. From our 1.3 billion registered users we have found that there is an extremely high penetration of Terraria. In the Chinese blooming market Terraria – which has already generated solid revenues in the West – could replicate the same success given its vertical genre and the lack of similar games available. Our data show that Terraria could very likely be the key to unlock this untapped market”.
“Terraria has been one of our big worldwide hit in the digital games market – said Raffaele Galante, CEO of Digital Bros – generating more than EUR 50 million revenues worldwide since its launch. We’re pleased to have secured this deal with iDreamSky Technology Limited for their leading role in the Chinese market which represents an enormous opportunity for us from a strategic standpoint”.
Listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, the Digital Bros Group is a global company active since 1989 in game entertainment, developing, publishing and distributing worldwide entertainment content – video games – through the different available channels: mobile and social, digital-web, retail. The Digital Bros Group is today active worldwide, through its offices in Italy, the United States, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany and China, with roughly 250 employees. The Headquarters of the Group is in Milan, from where all activities are coordinated. The structure works on the 3 main markets of development, publishing and distribution, through the brands 505 Games and Halifax.
Source: Digital Bros