Asia is the fastest growing game market in the world and holds a vast number of talented game developers, just waiting to be discovered. GameFounders wants to meet them all and is going for a tour across Malaysia! All gaming startups and professionals in the area are welcome to our afternoon events. Join GameFounders Event tour to experience sessions on how to build your own Studio, hear the latest news on Technology, get tips on financing growth and learn more about GameFounders’ Asia program. Visitors will also have the opportunity to see and hear pitches by local developers and give them direct feedback. All this followed by networking, light snacks and Drinks.
May 22, 5PM Johor Bahru May 25, 5PM Jakarta May 27, 5PM Ho Chi Minh May 29, 5PM Manila June 1, 6PM Tokyo June 5, 5PM Bangkok June 8, 5PM Pulau Pinang June 11, 5PM Kuala Lumpur:
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