Korea’s Leading Game Companies Plan To Be More Present Globally

Nexon, Netmarble Games and Ncsoft have announced to expand their presence in the global market and the mobile sector in 2016.

NexonNexon, the Korea’s largest game company, said yesterday it will focus more on the mobile game business, based on its capability in the online computer game sector, to expand its position in the global market. Nexon Korea Chief Executive Park Ji-won also stressed “diversity” as the keyword for this year. “In 2015, we prepared for the next generation not only in development and collaboration, but also in technology, platforms and infrastructure,” Park said in his New Year’s message to employees. “I expect that the company will continue its experiment by creating a culture that encourages the creativity of our employees.”

Last month, Nexon established two mobile business divisions dedicated to domestic and global markets to target overseas regions more effectively. The company said it will launch much-hyped new mobile games including “Durango” and strategy game “Sangokushi Sousouden Online.” It also plans to unveil mobile titles based on popular computer online games such as “Dungeon & Fighter,” “Maple Story” and “Tera.” Nexon also plans to reinforce its competitiveness in the online computer sector by rolling out new titles such as the gunfight game “Sudden Attack 2,” car-racing game “Need for Speed Edge” and action game “Hyper Universe” this year.

netmarbleNetmarble Games also highlighted a more aggressive approach to the global market. The company said it expects competition in the global market will be fiercer because game industries at home and abroad have become more dependent on large companies and more businesses are rushing to the mobile sector. “Netmarble Games will become a global game brand that provides entertaining games to users around the world,” Netmarble Games Chief Executive Kwon Young-sik said in his New Year’s address, Monday.

The company said it plans to tap more into intellectual property from partners outside the company, such as Disney and Ncsoft. Based on new mobile titles developed through such collaboration, it pledged to expand in the global market. Netmarble also said it will continue to push the development of the world’s first artificial-intelligence game service engine called “Columbus,” which aims to provide tailor-made game services for each user.

NCSoftNcsoft, the nation’s second-largest online computer game business, also anticipated wide-ranging changes to its business this year. “This year, we will have many new challenges, such as expanding in the mobile sector, launching new titles for the online computer sector and diversifying the use of our intellectual property base,” Ncsoft Chief Executive Kim Taek-jin said to employees. “We should share values, stay fearless of failures and concentrate on making a creative organization.”

Source: Nexon, Ncsoft, Koreatimes