In a couple of days (July 9-10) the Mobile Games Asia Congress in Ho Chi Minh City will open its doors. Mobile Game Asia focuses on providing insights into different Asian markets including Vietnam, Southeast Asia as a region, India and China, but also covers more general opportunities and challenges such as the challenge of talent sourcing, the opportunity of e-sports and tips and tricks for the pre-production stage of creating a new game.
Building on the popularity of the last two Mobile Game Asia Conferences in Bangkok and Singapore, the organizer GMGC expects more than 2000 participants and more than 600 game developers, publishers and players from 30 countries around Asia. Among the line-up of speakers include CEO of VNG Mr Le Hong Minh, Mr Tran Vinh Quang from Appota, Mr Johary Mustapha of Forest Interactive, CEO of Gumi Aisa Mr David Ng and Managing Director of Gamevil SEA, Mr Joerg Tente, Frank Sliwka, CEO of International Business Media, is joining the opening panel at the Congress.
Together with Gerald Tock, CEO Inzen Studio, Thomas Andreasen, CGO & Co-Founder Playlab, Keith E. Morales, Head of Publishing, Altitude Games and Robin Sagacious Ng, Director International Business Asiasoft, Frank Sliwka will talk about SEA Publishers and their market strategies. The panelists will cover topics about the key markets in Asia and their strategies for user acquisition and player retention.
More Information about Mobile Games Asia Conference